New educational technologies in teaching English

Today, when the spiritual integration has taken place, the English language has become a global  phenomenon. I am focusing on the development of historical trends and mainstream trends in teaching foreign languages while undergoing a radical change in the field of study, the methods of teaching and its contents being revised.
     At present, demand for foreign language, especially those with English proficiency, is increasing.
The key issue today is the problem of improving the quality of English teaching in line with social change in society.
   Language is the most important means of communication, the existence and development of human society is impossible without it. The current changes in social relations, communication means (the use of new information technologies) require increasing the communicative competence of students, improving their philological preparation. In order they could exchange their thoughts in different situations in the process of interaction with other communicators, using the system of language and speech norms and choosing communicative behavior adequate to the authentic situation of communication. In other words, the main purpose of a foreign language is to form a communicative competence, that is, the ability to carry out interpersonal and intercultural communication between a foreigner to one and native speakers. Educational aspect is an integral part of the educational process. Modern educational technologies that are used to form the communicative competence of a schoolchild in learning another language are the most productive for creating an educational environment that provides a person-oriented interaction of all participants in the educational process. 
     The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out of the class. Every language class usually uses some form of technology. Technology has been used to both help and improve language learning. Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus enhancing the language learning process. Technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for their learners. This study focuses on the role of using new technologies in learning English as a foreign language. It discussed different attitudes which support English language learners to increase their learning skills through using technologies.
     Why is technology important? How important is technology in education? 
There are countless reasons why technology is a key aspect of learning in the schools. Whether we like it or not, technology is everywhere; and in order for our students to survive in post-secondary education and the business world, they must know technology.
 We came up with 10 reasons for the importance of technology in education:
Students demand it.
Students are engaging with technology constantly outside of the classroom. Kids like to be interactive, and learning through technology has now become a part of their lifestyle.
New teachers are demanding it. 
The technology movement has been implemented in post-secondary education as well as other professional jobs. For new teachers, technology is considered a necessity for the learning environment.
Kids are the digital native.
Kids know technology better than most adults. It has become the easiest way they learn, because it is such an integral part of their life. Engaging with technology in the classroom has not only helped them learn better, but they also acquire multi-tasking skills. At this day in age, they hardly know how to learn without it. This knowledge is important, because they would be way behind in the real world without it.
Kids can learn at their own pace.
We know from years of experience that kids learn at their own pace, but sometimes the traditional classroom makes it difficult to do so. With the integration of technology in education, children have the ability to slow down and go back over lessons and concepts, and more advanced kids can go ahead. It also frees up the teacher to help kids on a more one-on-one level.
With technology, there are no limitations. 
Having access to other information outside of the book gives students many different ways to learn a concept. Teachers can come up with creative ways to teach their students that keeps them engaged. Technology has changed the learning environment so that learning is more hands-on. Schools throughout the nation are diverse in income, and often kids don’t always get the resources they need. The implementation of technology in schools helps close that gap.
Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students.
When teachers effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun. Students are also able to collaborate with their own classmates through technological applications.
Testing has gone online
One protocol that schools don’t have control over, but must adapt to, is online testing. Testing online is the way of the future, but it has a lot of advantages. Assessing students’ performance can be done instantly with technology. Beyond seeing test scores in real-time, teachers can better track and understand students’ grasp of the subject.
Multitude of resources 
Computers, tablets, and other forms of technology bring multiple resources for the teacher that’s not in the book. They not only keep students engaged with exciting new features and apps, but also have other ways to teach students material. Every kid learns differently, and technology helps with this gap as well.
Technology keeps kids engaged.
The students of this generation are considered technological learners. They learn best being more interactive, and technology is what helps them do that. Children often struggle to stay on task or interested, and with resources to help the teacher, they can better stay focused and learn faster.
Technology is necessary to succeed outside of primary and secondary education
Whether we like it or not, technology is an essential concept to learn. Because it changes so quickly, children are better off learning about it sooner. It is a primary part of every industry, and there is no way around it. These days, technology means more than just learning basic computing skills. Technology has made itself part of every aspect of our lives today, and the students who understand it are the ones who succeed in the business world.
Modern pedagogy is rich in interactive approaches, among which are the following: − Creative tasks. − Working in small groups. − Educational games (role games, imitations, business games and educational games). − Usage of public resources (invitation of a specialist, excursions). − Social projects and other out-of-school teaching methods (social projects, competitions, radio and newspapers, films, performances, exhibitions, performances, songs and fairy tales). − Workout. − Studying and fixing new material (interactive lecture, working with visual aids, video and audio materials, «student as a teacher», «everyone teaches everyone»). − Discussion of complex and controversial issues and problems. Under creative assignments, we understand such study assignments that require from students not simply reproduce information, but creativity as well, since tasks contain a greater or lesser element of suspense and as a rule have several approaches. The creative task is the content and the basis of any interactive method. The creative task (especially practical and close to the life of the student) gives meaning to learning, motivates students. Uncertainty of the answer and the opportunity to find student's own «right» solution, based on personal experience and experience of his colleague, friend, allow creating a foundation for cooperation, communication and communication of all participants in the educational process, including the teacher. The choice of a creative task is in itself a creative task for the teacher, since it is required to find a task that would meet the following criteria’s: − does not have an unambiguous and monosyllabic answer or solution − is practical and useful for students − is related to the life of students − motivates students − maximizes the learning objectives. If students are not used to work creatively, then you gradually should introduce simple exercises first, and then more and more complex tasks. Working in small groups is one of the most popular strategies, as it gives all students (including shy) the opportunity to participate in activities, practice the skills of cooperation, interpersonal communication (in particular, the ability to listen actively, develop a common opinion, resolve emerging disagreements). All of these are often impossible in a large team. Working in a small group is an integral part of many interactive methods, such as debates, public listening, almost all types of imitations, etc. When organizing group work, you should pay attention to the following aspects: − the teacher must be sure that students have the knowledge and skills necessary to complete the group assignment. Lack of knowledge will soon be felt — students will not make efforts to complete the assignment. − the teacher must try to make the instructions as clear as possible. It is unlikely that the group will be able to perceive more than one or two, even very clear, instructions at a time, so you need to write instructions on the board and cards. − the teacher must give the group enough time to complete the task. As for the practical application of technology, it is not necessary to use only one technology. It would be better to integrate several educational technologies, combining their best aspects. We can make a conclusion that it is this pedagogical system that facilitates the disclosure of the subjective experience of the student, the formation of personally-meaningful ways of learning, the education of moral ideals, the development of critical thinking, adequate evaluation and self-evaluation, the self-improvement of each student and the opportunity to realize themselves as a person.
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